Tracks @ Two Bridges

Primary intervention

Tracks has been developed in close collaboration with Primary Head Teachers from across Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells.  In addition we support the Primary interventions being established in the Cranbrook and Paddock Wood areas as well.

Students once referred to Tracks will have a pre admission meeting in which plans are established for the support needed and the involvement of the home school on the days that the student attends the Tracks site.  The learning programme works in partnership with Wide Horizons Trust offering a Forest Schools style adventure learning programmes along with literacy, numeracy, a range of topic based learning programs and nurture activities.

The main emphasis of the learning for students whilst at Tracks is to break the poor habits of behaviour that have become established and begin to build a more resilient and independent approach to problem solving the challenges that the student faces.

The program runs for 6 weeks of 4 days a week in Tracks, then 6 weeks during which increasing numbers of days are spent in the home school reintegrating and taking the new skills and strategies back into the home school to settle into a more successful pattern of learning.

Outreach support from the Tracks team is available to schools throughout the placement and for approx 3 visits following reintegration by which point it is the aim of the programme for the student to be settled back into mainstream learning without this constant additional support.

Outreach Support without a Tracks placement is also available to mainstream Schools where an outreach worker will visit a pupil in their home school and work with them to achieve agreed goals to improve their progress in School.

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