All students on a Focus programme will either bring a healthy packed lunch with them or have one freshly prepared for them on site if they receive a FSM.
Tea, juice, toast, fresh fruit and yoghurts are also provided during break times.
Lunch must be ordered when students arrive in the morning and is prepared on site ready for the lunch break, students may choose from a selection of hot meals – Sausage pasta, Cheese Bake, Chicken Wraps, Shepherds Pie, Chilli Con-Carne, Lasagne, Curry, Chicken Drumsticks and rice, Spaghetti Bolognaise all served with vegetables.
Some meals are prepared by the students themselves during Food Technology Lessons in our hygiene rated Kitchen.
Tea, toast, fresh fruit and a drink are also provided during break times.
For students not in receipt of free school meals the charge for lunch is in line with mainstream schools.
At all of our sites we do not permit fizzy drinks, highly coloured sweets or energy drinks of any type. None of these make it easier for students to make good behaviour decisions and our aim is to always help them to choose wisely. We ask that parents and carers support us in this aim by not giving these drinks and snacks to their children and not giving them money to spend in the local shop where they sometimes choose to buy these items.