Safeguarding is key to everything that we do in school, Mrs Middleton (Interim Headteacher) is the Designated Safeguarding Lead; she is assisted by Ms Gale (Head of Key Stage 4), Miss Swaffer (Pastoral Manager) and Mrs Carew (teacher of core subjects) as Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads. Ms Eleanor O’Brien is the Deputy Designated Lead for our Charles Street, Primary Focus site.
Parents/carers should be aware of all types of abuse, including Physical Abuse, Neglect, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Violence, Peer on Peer Abuse and also Emotional Abuse. Descriptions of these can be found on the NSPCC website (; additionally there is guidance on spotting the signs of abuse. The NSPCC website also contains lots of other advice, with relation to safeguarding concerns.
Online safety plays an increasing role in the safeguarding of students and the following websites provide information and advice for parents and carers:
For reporting immediate online sexual abuse concerns, please report these matters to CEOP.
Should you have a concern regarding any safeguarding matter, please do contact the team using the email
If your concern is immediate and when the school office is closed please contact please call the
Front Door Team on 03000411411, if it is between 9-5pm and if it is out of office hours please call 03000419191.
If your concern is related to mental health, please visit
Childline – 0800 11 11
The Mix – 0808 808 4994
Samaritans – 116 123
No Panic – Call 01952 680835 for a recorded breathing exercise to help you through a panic attack. Or call 0330 606 1174 for their helpline.
YoungMinds Textline provides free, 24/7 text support for young people experiencing a mental health crisis. Text YM to 85258.
Kooth – – this provides online mental health support with a chat facility.