
Students will follow a course that will introduce them to a variety of experiences, exploring a range of photographic techniques and processes. Students will research both historical and contemporary photographers and study how this medium has grown in popularity and the impact it has had on all aspects of modern life. This will involve producing projects in sketchbooks.

Students will be introduced to the potential of photography through:

  • portraiture
  • location photography
  • studio photography
  • experimental imagery
  • installation
  • documentary photography
  • photo-journalism
  • moving image: film, video and animation
  • fashion photography.

The study and analysis of other artists and photographers? work, communicated through the use of subject specific vocabulary to justify their opinions.

Students will work on expressing their ideas in a range of different areas of photographic practice including: Photo-Journalism, Fashion, Portraiture Collage and Mixed-Media. Students? work is assessed regularly. 

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  • Kent Teaching School Hub - Evidence, Expertise, Excellence
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