Assessment and Reporting Process


Baseline assessments are carried out for all students as part of their induction and compared with the data provided by the mainstream home schools where recent learning has been taking place.  These assessments are done using an online Nationally recognised tool where the evaluation also offers teaching staff guidance towards gaps in the Student’s learning which need incorporating in the learning plans.

Throughout the learning processes students are given clear WWW evaluations along with EBI targets, questions and prompts for next steps of improvement.  This information is also stored on a School based spreadsheet allowing targeted interventions to be put in place as and when necessary.


Progress and learning engagement is a feature of the weekly calls and conversations had with parents and carers by the tutor or subject teachers.  At keystage 4 there are 3 parents’ days per year at which parents or carers attend the school with their child and meet with each subject teacher to discuss progress and review next steps as well as the Tutor to discuss developments with behaviours and social skills. Home mainstream schools are also invited to attend all Parent Days.

It is possible on these days to also meet with the transition to KS5 Pastoral Manager, Head of Keystage 4 or Head Teacher if desired.

Progress is reported every 3 weeks to the home school for Focus, Keystage 4 and Outreach via the WKLF forum notes, to the management committee and Local Authority Termly via the Quality Assurance document.

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