Attendance and Absence

Attendance at school is exceptionally important and we recognise that many students come to our school with lower than average attendance. We work hard to break down some of the barriers to learning, which may have previously existed and are proud of the improved figures many of our students enjoy.

The national attendance figure for pupil referral units is below the national average and we are pleased with how our work is progressing to try to achieve this. 

Students are expected in school before 9am, we understand that some of our students have very long journeys and will try to work with them to be able to make this as manageable as possible. 

We work together with the South East Attendance Agency Service who regularly track attendance and will take the first steps towards attendance proceedings should these be necessary. 

Parents are expected to call the school office on 01892519841 on each day to register their child’s non-attendance. 

Parents and Carers MUST inform Two Bridges School of any absences by 9.00am on the following numbers:

  • For Focus Charles Street Please call :  01892 519841
  • For Keystage 4 Pagoda Please Call : 01732 373540
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