
Our excellent links with the Skinners Grammar School in Tunbridge Wells has provided us with yr 12 and 13 DBS checked students who work alongside our students in mentoring roles.

This reciprocal arrangement provides our students with individual support in many of their lessons and allows them to develop strong, positive and supportive relationships enabling them to make positive progress in a range of areas.

Feedback from the students at The Skinners Grammar School has shown how much they also value the opportunity to work alongside the students at our School and share their experiences.

Mentoring Opportunities

We are always open to approaches from other companies and agencies if you feel you have mentors in your school or workplace who would like to develop a reciprocal supportive relationship then do please get in touch.  

  • CEOP - A National Crime Agency Command
  • Kent Teaching School Hub - Evidence, Expertise, Excellence
  • Click here for Safer Recruitment Policy